Injection Movie Index
Product Features Videos
M118-1 “Musclemate” 2
M155 Intramuscular Injection Model of Upper Arm Muscles
M153 “Buttockmate” – Intramuscular Injection Simulator
M152-1 Intramuscular Injection Model of Buttocks Type 2
M152 Intramuscular Injection Model of Buttocks
M152−2 Clear 3D Model of Gluteal Injection Site
M152-3 Gluteus Injection Trainer
M153-1 “Buttockmate” type 2 – Intramuscular Injection Simulator
M183 I.V. Trainer with Indicator
M183 I.V. Trainer with Indicator
M181 I.V.Pad
M181 I.V.Pad
Instruction Videos
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